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Adidas AR Sneakers Augmented Reality App

Picture this: you're sitting at home, scrolling through the Adidas website, trying to decide which pair of shoes to buy. You see a few different options that catch your eye, but how can you be sure that they'll look good on your feet? Well, thanks to the power of augmented reality, you can now get a virtual sneak peek!

Augmented reality is a game-changer for marketing, and Adidas is no exception. The multinational sportswear company has recently jumped on the augmented reality bandwagon, creating a mobile app that allows users to see computer-generated images of Adidas products overlaid onto the real world.



By partnering with software company Vying, Adidas has created an iOS app that lets users see what certain Adidas products would look like on their feet. All you have to do is download the app, select a product, and open your camera. The app will then superimpose the selected product onto your feet, giving you a realistic idea of what it would look like in real life.

This marketing strategy has proven to be a huge success for Adidas, with the company reporting increased conversions on its app and attracting new consumers to the business. By allowing consumers to have a more personal experience with their products, Adidas is able to provide a more informed purchasing decision-making process.

But what's really impressive about this marketing technique is how seamless it is. Users don't have to download any extra apps or navigate to a separate section of the website in order to use the augmented reality feature. It's integrated right alongside the products themselves, making it a convenient and user-friendly experience.

While augmented reality may be the hot new trend in marketing right now, it's important to note that technology is always changing. While it's impossible to predict what the future holds, it's possible that augmented reality could become a thing of the past as new marketing trends emerge. But for now, it's clear that augmented reality is making waves in the world of marketing, and Adidas is at the forefront of this exciting new trend.



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