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IKEA Place Augmented Reality App.

IKEA Place is an augmented reality (AR) app that allows users to virtually place IKEA furniture in their homes using their mobile devices. The app was first released in 2017, and has quickly become one of the most popular AR apps available. In this blog post, we will explore the features of the app and the impact it has had on the world of AR.

The premise of IKEA Place is simple: users can browse the IKEA catalogue within the app, and then use the camera on their mobile device to place virtual furniture in their real-world environment. The app uses AR technology to accurately place the furniture, taking into account the lighting and other environmental factors. Users can move the furniture around and even walk around it to get a better sense of how it will look in their home.

One of the biggest benefits of IKEA Place is that it allows users to see how furniture will look in their home before they make a purchase. This can be especially useful for large items like sofas and beds, which can be difficult to visualize in a space. By using the app, users can get a much better sense of how the furniture will fit in their home, and make more informed purchase decisions as a result.



Another benefit of IKEA Place is that it can help to reduce the environmental impact of furniture purchases. By allowing users to visualize how furniture will look in their home before they make a purchase, the app can help to reduce the number of returns and exchanges, which in turn reduces waste.

The impact of IKEA Place on the world of AR has been significant. The app has shown how AR can be used in practical and useful ways, and has inspired countless other AR apps in the years since its release. It has also helped to bring AR technology to a wider audience, as many people who may not have been familiar with AR before have downloaded and used the app.

In conclusion, IKEA Place is an excellent example of how AR can be used to create practical and useful applications. Its ability to help users visualize furniture in their home before they make a purchase has made it a valuable tool for many people, and its impact on the world of AR has been significant. As AR technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and useful AR apps in the years to come.


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